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Home / Tea Blends / endometriosis tea blend

endometriosis tea blend

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By Plant Seeds of Love



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This hand and heart crafted organic herbal tea blend was crafted for endometriosis relief

red raspberry leaf
lemon verbena
rose hips
cramp bark
blue vervain
love and intention

Each order comes with your choice of a loose leaf blend with tea bags OR prebagged

6+ servings

loose leaf small style comes with 12 tsp servings

small prebagged style comes with 6 prebagged servings that are LARGE tea cup sizes (suggested use: add 16 oz water to each serving)

Order options:
*Loose leaf (in reusable tin container)
OR prebagged
*Just the tea OR tea kit style

-Just the tea: tea blend and herbal explanation card

-Tea kit style: comes with tea bags, organic honey sticks and herbal explanation card

Each of plant seeds of love’s crafted herbal tea blends are made with love and intention.
We source our herbs and honey from small, local organic farmers as well as a small women owned business.
It’s important to us to know where our products are coming from and to make sure to give back to our local community.

plant seeds of love, LLC. products are not reviewed by the FDA. We do not make any claims or promises about the health benefits of any products. All statements are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent disease. These products are crafted to support well-being and self care. Use at your own risk. We are not responsible for accidents, misuse, or adverse reactions. Everybody reacts differently to plant-medicines and caution should be taken at all times. Always educate yourself and seek advice from a trusted medical professional or primary care physician before taking any new herbs or supplements.